AMPed a Web Dev Adventure blog by amarkpark

Glassy-eyed Stare


My goal for this morning was to do TWO things… change the colors of the titles and navdrawer, and change the format of the post date to YYYY.MM.DD

Sadly v1.0.1 of this blog represented at least 2 hours of work. 2 hours I didn’t have to spend. AND I need to figure out how to fix the title links that link to the individual post pages. I think it’s the same problem that I was having with content placement and relative vs. absolute paths. As though perhaps something isn’t right in the layout hierarchy or the site.baseurl variable. Meh.

I spent 12 hours coding and styling a Web App in my online Full-Stack bootcamp yesterday. I managed to make pagination function. Then I looked at how many more chapters were left in the lesson for this particular App. I had finished Chapter 3. There are 13 total.

To say I was a tad deflated was an understatement.

We have a student Google+ group where we share and interface. There are several posts there that describe a learning/enthusiam curve graph. For certain I have taken the nose-dive into the major slump of the curves. I am trying to keep my enthusiasm up as I learn how much I have to learn. Trying to convince myself it may some day be worth it in the end when I may possibly get a job doing Full-Stack development for a living.

Note the conditional statements above.

Yep. I’m having a hard time finding hope with two hands and a flashlight in my teeth right about now.

Time for a snack. Maybe some Spark Roast and a good Comic. Because once my stomach is appeased I’m going to DIVE BACK IN DAMN-IT!