AMPed a Web Dev Adventure blog by amarkpark

Buffer Overflow

Life has been disrupting my study time a lot in the last week. I finally got some uninterrupted time to power through a lot of lessons and assignments to get caught up yesterday. About 8 hours in I was feeling a lot like that classic Far Side above.

With the intensity of some of my study sessions I worry about retention. I promise myself I’ll go back and run through all these basics again to reinforce what I’m learning. Time constraints may make that a difficult proposition. But at least I am reinforcing what I learn as I encounter different concepts in different contexts and can thus build complex interconnections of neural pathways.

In programming for a computer, simple and elegant are ideal. Make things work in the least complex fashion and eliminate potential points of failure through conscious design and careful implementation.

In programming a human brain the more ways you can find to build pointers to new knowledge the better it will stick. Perhaps that’s why I write mental methods to describe processes I encounter in the world. And revisit them when I learn more about Ruby, refining and refactoring.

puts "Number of wags?"
wags = gets.chomp.to_i

def tailwags(wags)
	side = "right"
	wags.times do
	    puts side
    	if side  == "right"
    		side = "left"
    	elsif side == "left"
    		side = "right"


I was watching water boil the other day, trying to picture the code I would write to describe the transformation of thermal to exothermic to kinetic energy that happens when water boils. I don’t have that one yet, perhaps in the future.

Hmm… now I’m relating this back to OOP and trying to decide if I should define a Class for Boil and define Methods for types of energy transformations and for the chemical process of breaking apart the H2O molecule within that Class.

There we have it. Interconnections. Reinforcing each bit of new knowledge I gain about Ruby by connecting it back to other knowledge that is already in my brain. Sometime this takes me off on tangents. (Like when I use the word ‘tangents’ and then flash on writing a method to compute tangents to a circle, and a Method to circumnavigate a circle within a Class for Circle… which takes me back to my Logo days and “down turtle” as I program the computer to draw a circle.)

This trippy programming-of-yore flashback has been brought to you by the letter: ə

See? Buffer Overflow. Perhaps it’s time for a reboot. :-)

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.